Monday, May 20, 2024

Nyah Lemu, The Prettiest & Classical Coffee Cafe in Surakarta


It's nice weather 💛 What could be cheerier than combining my morning cup of hot chocolate with the smell of freshly srikaya bread ? 

Hot Chocolate

I Love You So Matchaaa

Like it's name. In the Javanese language, Nyah Lemu means Ibu bertubuh besar. But, in my perspective, Nyah Lemu is symbolized by different lexicon. It's not mean a woman with big size of body but it's means a woman who's respected.

(Interesting Article to Read : Socielle Espresso & Dine)

Like all mothers, Nyah Lemu is all things to everyone. Students, professionals, entrepreneur or cheerful mom. Doing work, reading for pleasure, or simply enjoying a moment. Every corner really feels like grandmom's home. Such a welcoming environment is an appropriate place for the remote employees because this place have work-from-home vibes. Like what I see, some people seat beside the barista table to focus on his laptop with his cup of coffee. While I prefer to sit inside the area of Nyah Lemu. 

I've been twice so far but at this time I'm here with A3's Moms for regular monthly meeting 😉

💗 Nyah Lemu 💗

Open Daily  : 7 am until 8 pm

Address       : Jalan Dr. Sutomo no. 20, Penumping, Laweyan, Solo

Instagram    : nyahlemu