Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Birthday : A Time to Contemplate


Let's start with this : no one would buy a cake for everyday. But, most of the time, beautiful cake has a special way of creating a joy. It represents the joy and sweetness of life, especially for her. It isn't about a celebration, but it's about how she associate her emotions with it. Because It brings her favorite people together. Especially for the moment of Eid Al-Fitri or birthday, the most favorite day in her life.

Thinking about those day in her life, she knows what she truly needed - a time to contemplate. Taking time to pause. Let herself feel deep. Re-evaluate everything. Every part of her life. How her relationship with Allah SWT, how her relationship with family, how her relationship with other people. Contemplate her own fault. Contemplate how blessed she is for all the good friends in her life. Contemplate how grateful she is for the hard lessons and the wonderful memories in life. 

It was Wednesday, the 20nd of November

The Day when Her Creator Choose for Her

~ Birthday Cake, surprise from My Lovely Sister, Mbak Amar ~

~ Jazakillahu khoir for the surprise & the friendship. 12 years and forever ~

Aku tak pernah sekalipun menceritakannya. Bukan, bukan karena dia tak istimewa. Justru karena ketulusan atas semua kebaikannya tak bisa ku gambarkan dengan apapun. Sudah berapa purnama yang ia lewatkan bersamaku meskipun kami sempat beberapa tahun terpisah jauh. Dua belas tahun bagiku bukan waktu yang sebentar untuk saling mengetahui dan memahami satu sama lain. Menerima diri yang biasa-biasa saja ini. Termasuk mengenal dan mencintai keluargaku. Dia yang juga menyayangi anak-anak dengan hati dan jiwanya ~

~ With my bodyguard ~

Sometimes, she's still somehow strangely nostalgic for the old days, where life was simple and quiet, where life was cute and beautiful like her favorite cake. The days where she could find peace in every pages books she read. Also the days where she made a super big mistakes.

But, all of it, has brought her to this moment, today. The miracles to describe how Allah SWT really loves her. To guide her being a better mom and a better Muslim. 

May this day raise brightly, this year beautifully and life be blessed eternally (like her husband said)

Eat the cake with great pleasure, said "Aamiin" to every doa and enjoy the day with the heart full of Alhamdulillah ~

Monday, November 11, 2024

Rediscovering Sisterhood. Let's Go Higher and Deeper ~


My Dear Gorgeous Sister...

~ Bestie ~

~ Sister Fillah until Jannah ~

Thank you for coming into my life. I choose you and thank you for choosing me too. No, no, not because we often meet and connected. Not because our life partner is a workmate. Not because we always agree on everything. Not because we have the same opinion or personalities. But because our interests allow us to forge bond based on something much more deeper. I want all of you, be a paragraph in my life's stories I want to be remembered. To see the world on similar lenses. 

I remember the moment when we first met at an Iftaar gathering event on the last week of March. The moment we reconnect in the second met at Segoro Gunung on September. It's really a bonding experience. Of course we immediately clicked over our shared profession as a wife, lol. From the little seeds and then blossom. Naturally gravitates toward you for some reasons that I can’t explain. Share things in real life. Even the real profession of our lives looked pretty different :

Mbak Yaya, a lovable lecturer, four years younger than me. Mbak Chekly, a cheerful candidate for head of village, two years younger than me. Mbak Nisa, a bright spark teacher, three years older than me. And me... a little poetristic housewife.

We came from different level of age, but all of you and I both were appropriate

I know for real, it takes a lot of times to built strong bond and not always easy to make friends in adulthood. It's difficult to grow with some people if we're both growing in opposite paths. But I often hear that we will be friends with those whom our souls recognize. And I just want a friend who support me on my relationship with Allah. True friends that love and remind each others of Allah SWT. 

~ Little Miracle that Allah SWT Puts in My Life ~

Alhamdulillah ! We achieved the seemingly unachievable. We've learned how to stay close. Trying to understand each other's perspective and known on deeper level. Feel joy and comfort in each other's talk. Express our deepest thoughts. Making some plans into action. I see the full effort all of you put in. The kindness that you show me in a warm ways. Set out to meet, look out for each other, to listen and see where it goes in a simple-beautiful ways.

Sometimes, all woman needs is an ear to listen. We did it. But, you know, more than that, I'm grateful our values are aligned : Tawakkul as copying mechanism in friendship. Truly believe that the ones worth keeping around are those who makes us to be a better Muslim and human being. I can find parts of myself and still have fun with you. And the most important thing, it isn't just one-sided thing :)

Maybe... Someday... We're not made for deep conversations. We're making mistakes and heartbreaks. Unawareness or self-centerness at times. But, I always hope we learn from those experience, talk about it well, practice forgiveness and grow as a person.

Ya Allah... Anugerahilah kami hati yang bisa mencintai teman-teman kami hanya karena mengharap keridhaan-Mu {Ibnu Umar}

With you... My girls who I cherish and admire. My girls who loves me for the same reason. My girls who value me for who I am. I love you for the sake of Allah ~

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Kembali ke Alam


Pergi ke alam, walaupun sebentar, ternyata cukup ampuh menjadi terapi untuk menenangkan diri dari berbagai kesibukan tanpa jeda. Keinginan itu akhirnya terpenuhi sebulan lalu ketika kami berplesir ke kediaman salah satu teman di Desa Segoro Gunung, Karanganyar.

Segoro Gunung

Kami sampai ketika waktu menunjukkan pukul sebelas lebih, hampir mendekati Dhuhur. Ajaibnya, udara masih terasa sejuk dan segar. Tak ada bising motor kebut-kebutan. Aku sempat berkeliling sebentar. Suasananya mirip-mirip dengan desa tempat tinggal ayah selepas pensiun. Lingkungannya terasa hidup, hijau-hijau sejauh mata memandang. Vibes-nya seperti game Harvest Moon. Sebagai orang yang dikit-dikit gobyosan, di sini aku merasa bisa bernafas dan bergerak dengan lebih leluasa.

Lihat hamparan langit di belakang atas kita ~

Orang-orang di Desa Segoro Gunung, rupanya terbiasa menghadirkan makanan sehari-hari dari bahan mentah yang dihasilkan sendiri dengan bercocok tanam atau berkebun di pekarangan rumah. Ada pula yang bertani bersama kelompok lain. Pagi-pagi sekali, mereka sudah berangkat dengan membawa bekal. Karena berada pada dataran tinggi, sayur mayur bertumbuh baik di sini. Beberapa hasilnya seperti kentang, tomat, wortel, kubis, kol, buncis, sawi, daun bawang dan lainnya, mereka sulap menjadi menu makanan untuk disantap bareng keluarga. Sangking berlimpahnya, boleh ku tebak, mereka tak mungkin mengalami defisit bahan makanan. 

Terlepas dari problematika yang mereka hadapi yang barangkali aku tidak tahu, bagiku, merekalah garda terdepan pelestari alam. Sebab, merekalah orang-orang yang hidup berdampingan dengan alam. Merekalah orang-orang yang terlibat langsung dengan produksi bahan makanan kita. Merekalah petani-petani sayur yang survive memanfaatkan lingkungan di sekitarnya. Air alam betul-betul dimanfaatkan untuk mengairi lahan dan menyirami sayur mayurnya. Kalau sedang tidak punya stok sayur, mereka biasa langsung nyuwun ke tetangga. Seperti yang diceritakan oleh ibu teman kami. 

Di sisi kehidupan yang lain, hidup di desa ternyata juga tidak sesederhana isi kepalaku. Waktu si Ibu bercerita soal ini, seketika aku jadi teringat cerita ayah yang sama persis. Hajatan bukanlah perkara sepele. Rangkaian acaranya bisa memakan waktu berhari-hari. Tetangga sudah seperti keluarga sendiri. Jadi, kapan pun tetangga punya acara, kita harus siap jadi sobat rewang. Seperti ketika tetangga depan rumah si ibu punya hajatan. Dan, nyatanya, mereka benar-benar tak keberatan sama sekali untuk itu. Senang-senang saja. 

Tepat setelah Dhuhur, Ibu sudah menyuruh kami masuk rumah untuk makan siang. Sop daging sapi, tempe mendoan, ayam goreng plus sambal dan lalapannya sudah melambai-lambai di depan mata. Tak perlu ditanya lagi bagaimana enaknya. Gasss pwoool. Mau nambah, malu, hwahaha. Feel-nya benar-benar berasa dapat banget sebab tahu semua bahan-bahannya dari hasil kebun yang diolah sendiri.

Pesta Sop Daging & Mendoan ~

Tak hanya bahagiaku yang bertumbuh. Plesiran kali ini juga membuka mataku soal kehidupan petani sayur mayur. Waktu kami berpamitan pulang, beliau sibuk membekali kami dengan seplastik penuh oleh-oleh. Tebak isinya apa ? Iya guys... sayur mayur. Untuk pertama kalinya, plesiran, membawa pulang oleh-oleh hasil bumi.

Semoga, sepanjang tahun, tak ada jeda untuk membiarkan lahan terbengkalai tanpa tanaman sayur mayur yang tumbuh subur, di sini ~

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Mencintai Tanpa Batas


Ada makhluk-makhluk kecil menggemaskan yang Allah hadirkan untukku. Mereka yang ada di sampingku tiap kali ku membuka mata. Allah titipkan mereka, agar aku memiliki sabar yang semakin lapang, syukur yang semakin luas, agar rasa cukup sebagai sebuah keluarga memenuhi ruang-ruang dihati.

Farabiy's Day

Kue dari Tante Amar

Cute Little Cake

Mereka yang Allah izinkan bertumbuh baik bersama ayah dan ibu dengan berjuta ketidaksempurnaan. Mereka yang selalu kembali dalam dekapan meskipun ibunya sering kali bermain dengannya dalam kelelahan dan sesenggukan. Seolah ingin bilang "menangislah bila itu melegakan ibu, ibu tak harus selalu sekuat itu, cukuplah dengan selalu menemani kita..."

Mereka yang menemani sepanjang hari. Si kakak yang ketika lihat lelah ibunya, dengan senang hati menawarkan bantuan. Si adik yang ceria dan sudah mulai punya banyak kosakata. Alih-alih menjadi teladan, aku yang justru belajar banyak sekali tentang cinta tanpa batas dan ketulusan dari keduanya. Entah bagaimana cara agar mereka tahu aku menyayanginya. Barangkali, protektif dan galak tidak pas bila disebut bahasa cinta. Tapi, sungguh, aku lakukan agar Allah jaga selalu mereka. Agar mereka selalu berjalan bersama apa-apa yang Allah suka. Agar Allah ridho terhadap perjalanan hidup mereka.

Aku yang sebagai ibu sering kali merasa sedikit ilmu dan sering lupa untuk percaya pada diriku sendiri, merasa doa lah yang paling ampuh mengetuk langit dan membuka pintu-pintu kebaikan untuk mereka.

Dan di antara doa-doa untuk mereka yang sampai pada kami hari ini, sungguh aku mengaminkannya dalam hati.

Selamat tiga tahun, anak ibuk, Farabiy E. Ardipo ~

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Tenang Berproses


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

Even The Prophet Muhammad, the greatest people all off time, the honest person who was perfect everything in life and had the best moral values, was hated on :)

Setiap manusia berjalan di atas pilihan-pilihannya. Aku percaya, kita semua sama-sama berjalan menuju sesuatu yang punya ujung kebaikan dan ketenangan. Yang menjadikannya berbeda adalah penerimaan Allah SWT atas apa-apa yang sudah kita usahakan untuk mencapainya.

Ku rasa benar, bahwa penerimaan manusia tidak lah selalu baik. It just to gain happiness. Tapi, nggak selamanya bikin hati damai. Apalagi jika ternyata hal-hal yang paling keras kita perjuangkan, justru berakhir tidak sesuai dengan inginnya kita. Ada rasa malu. Ada bagian hati yang keras menolak, ada ego yang berteriak.

Iya, aku tahu, sebenarnya kita semua punya mimpi yang sama. Sebab itu aku memang perlu belajar kembali satu hal sederhana yang sesungguhnya sudah kuketahui : teruslah bertumbuh menjadi sebaik-baik manusia.

Praying, charity, take time to focus on the Qur'an & understand what's written on it, seek knowledge of deen, try to level up in every aspect in life, clean heart daily, avoid careless mistakes, remembering Allah in every situation.

Don't hurt anybody, treating others with kindness especially families & friends, respect to our teacher, make peace with everyone around. Don't forget to love ourselves

Kata mereka, banyak jalannya. Barangkali, semakin banyak manusia memiliki perbendaharaan, semakin banyak sedekah yang bisa dikeluarkan, semakin besar juga kebermanfaatan yang bisa disebarkan. Semakin banyak & tinggi ilmu yang manusia terima, semakin besar juga amanah untuk menyampaikannya. Maka, berjuanglah untuk sesuatu yang punya nilai di sisi Nya. Dengan jalan-jalan yang Allah suka tentunya.

Semua akan baik-baik saja sekalipun tak ada manusia lain yang mengetahuinya. Hanya semesta dan Sang Pencipta yang jadi saksinya. 

Namun, menghadapkan jiwa dengan sepenuh hati pada Nya itu tak pernah mudah. Memurnikan keikhlasan itu sungguh sulit luar biasa. Kadang lelah, banyak lengah. Suka buru-buru. Sedikit diam, banyak ngedumelnya. Kadang sebal sama diri sendiri, lemah amat ! Suka merasa kecil. Namun, terkadang sesekali ingin terlihat & dilihat. Masih suka membandingkan pencapaian & bergelut dengan kekhawatiran. Kadang suka merasa apa yang telah dilakukan belum cukup, tapi di sisi lain juga ingin menyeimbangkan kesenangan hidup.

Memang hidup tak akan ada yang sesempurna keinginan. Prosesnya tak selalu berjalan lurus. Melelahkan, mendebarkan. Satu-satunya yang mampu menguatkan, menenangkan dan membuat segala sesuatunya menjadi penuh hikmah adalah prasangka baik. Bahwa aku tak pernah benar-benar berjuang sendirian. Semuanya sama, hanya jalannya saja yang berbeda.

Sebab itulah, aku merasa butuh banyak-banyak mengingat Nya. Jika yakin cinta Allah sudah memenuhi ruang di hati, penerimaan manusia bukan lagi sesuatu yang istimewa. Bukan lagi yang utama. Sekalipun ada yang tidak mengerti makna kebaikan kita, sekalipun ada yang tidak menyukai, hati akan tenang sebab yakin selalu ada Allah di sisi.  Bukankah kasih sayang Allah jauh lebih pantas memenuhi kalbu ?

Mencari jawabannya kemana-mana, melihat ke dalam diri, pada akhirnya, semua bermuara pada Allah. Ketenangan hati ada dalam ketaatan pada Nya. 

Laa Hawlaa Wa Laa Quwwatta Illa Billaah ~

Monday, May 27, 2024

Deeply Journey and The Beautiful Lesson I Learned from Memorizing The Qur'an

                                        بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ

It's been a year since I accompanied my daughter started on Qur'an memorization. 

One day, there was an announcement from school. About the students who passed the selection & could be a part of a special class. Surprisingly Diba's name was there. I'm in the mix feeling between happy and scare. Not because she's not incapable, but I know there's a huge responsibility waiting for me. It was not as simple as it seems. It's not an easy thing. But, I truly believe, The Most Greatest has brought us to this moment, to this time, for the best reasons.

Before Tahfidz Class

Well, she had attended to Tahfidz Class three times a week. It started before the regular class. She's always tried to get up early. Always excited to go to school early. Her competitive soul always in the air 🔥 Before going to school, she's repeat the memorization while breakfast. Sometimes, when she plays alone, I heard the Qur'an from her lips. 

Almost everyday, I was connected with her teacher. The teacher made some rules at the beginning, he made schedule for Juz Amma memorization, he wrote out some progress and set a goal for Diba for every week. He's not only teach them about memorizing but also about Tajweed and Tahsin. It was also the beginning of my memorization journey. A deeply journey. A quiet journey 🙂

Jayyid Jiddan

It doesn't always go easily. Full of ups and downs. She couldn't read the Qur'an with herself. She just starting Iqro in the level of 2. As a kid, she has her own moods. There's a time she's only want to quiet and doing nothing. She often stuck only one verse a day. Me too, I have my own moods. With tears in my eyes and a heart explode with some emotions. I ask Allah SWT to help me always, to calm my soul, to give me strong, everyday. I just tried my best to create a comfortable and happy environment for us.

After Ashar or Subuh, she would repeat everything she had memorize previously and then she's trying to the next Surah. She listen to the voice records. But, most of the times, she always wanted to hear directly from her mom's lips. So I struggle to progress my memorization. You know what, remove the distraction is so hard. So I would recite over the entire Surah carefully and attention to the detail. And then I read up the translation. I repeat over and over again till I was comfortable and confidence. Until It was memorize. 

Now I understand, it's not just about memorizing but it's about the relationship with Allah SWT. It's about understand the knowledge. It's about avoid careless mistakes. It's about maintaining positive behaviors and verbal expression. When someday I lose my motivation or angry or too busy with this world, I feel too difficult make a time with Qur'an. I often cry in silent when I turned to Allah SWT with a desperate heart "ya Allah... help me be more connected to your Qur'an to support Diba's memorization".  

Beautiful than that. It's also about something magical. I tried to recite the verses I memorize in my daily prayers. I would begin the memorization in 2 raka'at of Tahajjud and 2 raka'at of Dhuha. I don't know, every time I succeed to memorize more verses, I felt such peacefulness that I had never felt before. There have been so many times, when I need an instruction on my prayers, surprisingly I found this verse that felt like " oh... this is the answer". It was like for me, like my circumstance at those time. This was the answer when we had our difficult times, on August 2020 😇

An-Naba' is the first Surah that memorized by her. The first Surah in Juz Amma. It's means a big news. The hereafter has been so frequently repeated in this Surah. Diba's taking a longer time to memorize this Surah. About a month. Continued with An-Nazi'at, Abasa, and shorts surah from Qur'an (Ad-Dhuha, A-Tiin, Al-Alaq, Al-Qadr, Al-Bayinah, Al-Adiyat, Al-Qoriah, Al-Asr, Al-Humazah, Al-Fiil, Quraisy, Al-Ma'un, Al-Kafirun, An-Nasr, Al-IKlas, Al-Falaq, An-Nass). She shows a good progress everyday. 

But, it's not about her own skill. It's a gift from Allah SWT for each verse she's memorize. Allah SWT knows the best time when she's ready to receive those gift. 

And after a year, at the May of 17, she's officially a graduate !

Tahfidz Graduation of KB TK Islam Al-A'raaf

The Holy Qur’an give us more strong message to remember. It will guidance us to the right path. It will give us transparency about our du'a. It will give us calmness. It will bright our ways and give peace for our soul. In happy and hard times.

I remembered the teacher always says to never stop learning, memorizing and contemplating The Qur'an. It never be long term save in mind without constant review over time.

Jazakumullahu khairan katsiran, KB TK Islam Al-A'raaf. Ust Herna & Ust Yuli in Class of A3. Especially The Tahfidz Qur'an mentor Ustad Ibnu. Thank you for the opportunity. Thanks for making learning in Tahfidz Class so enjoyable. Thank you for being a dedicated mentor in every way. We appreciate all the time and effort you have put into the Tahfidz Class. May Allah SWT be with you at every step you take, guide you in any decision you make, bless you with all success health and happiness.

This is just the beginning, Diba. Thank you for your effort to memorize the Surah in The Qur’an as best as you can and still be happy. May Allah SWT always grant you big love for The Qur'an, keep your memories, makes you a person loved by Allah SWT and still give you a happy time to learn Qur'an. Allahumma bariik ~

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Liwetan for Blessings


One day, one of my friend invited me to her home for breakfast. I'm blessed. I was enjoyed to come because this is a new thing for me. This is the second time liwetan dining experience in my life. You know another makes me excited about it ?  Yes ! I start my day with an empty stomach (which is... never !) 😋

Liwet Sunda

On that day, I came to my friend's home not too early but also not too late. So I have a little time to play with her baby girl.

When all friends gather, we immediately sit on the floor to prepare a spread of dishes that served on banana leaves. The rice is placed in the center with several kind of dishes like lettuce, hard-boiled eggs, fried chicken, sayur asem, tempe tahu, fried salted fish and sambal. All arranged around it on the same plate. The breakfast was beautifully provided. Allahumma barik 

While enjoying our breakfast, we engage in conversation. The conversation & the time around the 'table' was the glue : keeps us connected even we don't do it often enough.

We enjoy an atmosphere of giving and helping. We share anything about life, about our kids & about co-parenting. Data transfer, check ! 

The best part is it give me more power. It was re-energizing. I feel receiving the fullness of its blessing for enjoyment even we do it at home in a simple way. I appreciated those times 😊

Monday, May 20, 2024

Nyah Lemu, The Prettiest & Classical Coffee Cafe in Surakarta


It's nice weather 💛 What could be cheerier than combining my morning cup of hot chocolate with the smell of freshly srikaya bread ? 

Hot Chocolate

I Love You So Matchaaa

Like it's name. In the Javanese language, Nyah Lemu means Ibu bertubuh besar. But, in my perspective, Nyah Lemu is symbolized by different lexicon. It's not mean a woman with big size of body but it's means a woman who's respected.

(Interesting Article to Read : Socielle Espresso & Dine)

Like all mothers, Nyah Lemu is all things to everyone. Students, professionals, entrepreneur or cheerful mom. Doing work, reading for pleasure, or simply enjoying a moment. Every corner really feels like grandmom's home. Such a welcoming environment is an appropriate place for the remote employees because this place have work-from-home vibes. Like what I see, some people seat beside the barista table to focus on his laptop with his cup of coffee. While I prefer to sit inside the area of Nyah Lemu. 

I've been twice so far but at this time I'm here with A3's Moms for regular monthly meeting 😉

💗 Nyah Lemu 💗

Open Daily  : 7 am until 8 pm

Address       : Jalan Dr. Sutomo no. 20, Penumping, Laweyan, Solo

Instagram    : nyahlemu

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Socielle Espresso & Dine, Introvert Friendly Cafe in The Midtown of Surakarta


For me, nothing beats a quiet family day at home 😊

Even I really love staying at home, sometimes hangout and be around other people isn't a bad idea. Just want to feel a different atmosphere for a moment. Go to the local coffee shop or cafe, find a seat with the most comfortable view, just sit there, get comfy and observe everything around. Sit alone, in a bubble. 

It's nice to know a place where I can at "I don't want to talk to anyone" mode.

Socielle Espresso & Dine. Cleanliness is their first thing : the floor free from crumbs & the restroom are spotless. It's a nice place to eat and socialize. The space is airy and minimalistic. Have an adequate level of lighting, not too much or too little. You can see the wide window that let in a steady stream of light. Simple but beautiful.

I've been sitting at this cafe for two hours. The waitstaff is attentive but not too attentive, so I've done plenty of brainstorming here. Just taking a break, doing nothing and that's okey. It was my first time exploring this cafe but it's enough to refill my cup of energy. And from my short time here, I know this is my ideal kind of cafe.  I'll be back to explore some more.

I really appreciate place that offer good food and good vibes 💓

(Interesting Article to Read : Nyah Lemu)

My favorite table near the window

💓 Socielle Espresso & Dine 💓

Open Daily : 9 am - 11 pm

Address      : Jalan Moh. Yamin, Tipes, Surakarta

Instagram    :

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Teman Terbaik Bagi Diri Sendiri

Bintang di tangan, oleh-oleh kecil dari Ustadzah sepulang sekolah 


Faradiba... anak ayah dan ibu yang teduh hatinya

Diba harus tau. Betul bahwa setiap manusia punya hak untuk hidup dalam kebebasan, nak. Sebab, sebagai manusia, dalam beberapa hal, kita pasti menginginkan kebebasan. Bebas bicara, bebas mengutarakan isi kepala, bebas menampilkan kepingan-kepingan terbaik hidup.

Padahal, yang sering terlupa, kebebasan kita seringkali bersinggungan dengan kebebasan manusia lain.

Maka, belajarlah berani untuk jujur pada diri sendiri, ya. Apa yang membuat Diba nyaman dan tidak. Belajarlah untuk tidak mengusik batasan-batasan yang dibuat manusia lain. Belajarlah untuk mengendalikan diri. Belajar juga untuk terus selaras dengan batasan-batasan yang Diba buat sendiri.

Tak perlu merasa bersalah saat disatu waktu Diba memilih untuk berjalan sendiri. Sebab sendiri tak berarti sepi. Tak mengapa memberi jarak dengan orang-orang tertentu jika itu membuat Diba merasa tenang. Tersimpul boleh tapi jangan sampai terikat mati. Banyak-banyaklah mencipta ruang dan batas. Ruang dan batas yang tidak terlampau keras, tapi juga tidak lemah. Agar Diba lebih banyak mendengar sunyinya kebenaran di hati.  

Jagalah kebebasan Diba dengan batasan-batasan yang selalu menuntun Diba kembali. Agar Diba tetap berani melangkah bersama banyak kebaikan. Agar Diba tetap nyaman melihat dan mendengar riuh hidup manusia lain, tapi Diba tetap punya kendali penuh atas apa yang ingin Diba bagi atau simpan sendiri.

Jadilah teman terbaik bagi diri Diba sendiri, ya. Agar Diba tak perlu bergantung pada hati manusia lain yang sama lemahnya seperti hati kita. 

Ayah dan Ibu mungkin tak selalu bisa menemani Diba. Tapi, selalu ada Allah yang akan terus menemani Diba. Yang akan selalu memenuhi ruang di hati Diba. Selamanya ~

Love, ibuk 🌹