You should really know that Solo is a great place full of good food paradise. There's a new popular fast food restaurant in Solo. Like the most popular fast food restaurant, Richeese Factory also serves fried chicken as the main menu. You can enjoy fried chicken with cheese sauce and red-brown hot sauce to feel the burning sensation.
Harusnya kalian tau banget kalau Solo itu kota keren surganya makanan enak. Ada restoran fast food baru yang lagi populer banget di Solo. Seperti restoran cepat saji yang populer itu, Richeese Factory juga menyuguhkan ayam goreng sebagai menu utama. Disini lo bisa nikmatin ayam goreng tepung topping saus keju dan saus pedas berwarna merah kecokelatan untuk merasakan sensasi pedasnya.
Come in lunch time at work hours, the waiting line is enough to frustate me. In order to try the popular Combo Duo Fried Chicken menu, me and my husband must be patient for participate waiting in line. These Combo Duo Fried Chicken packet comes with 2 chickens, 1 rice, and 1 ice cold refreshing beverage. You can choose Fruitarian Tea or Pink Lava for the beverage. We also ordered the french fries for appetizer. There are multiple varieties of spicy level from 0 until 6 that you can choose and to help you traverse these different spiciness.
Datang saat makan siang pada jam kerja, antriannya udah cukup bikin frustasi. Demi nyobain menu Combo Duo Fire Chicken nya yang populer itu, gue dan suami harus sabar ikut dalam baris antrian. Paket Combo Duo Fire Chicken ini terdiri atas 2 ayam, 1 nasi, dan 1 minuman dingin menyegarkan. Lo bisa pilih Fruitarian Tea atau Pink Lava untuk minumannya. Kami juga memesan french fries sebagai menu pembuka. Ada banyak variasi level pedasnya mulai dari level 0 sampai 6 yang bisa lo pilih untuk bantu kalian menemukan sensasi pedas yang berbeda.
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Combo Duo Fire Chicken & French Fries |
When I saw the fried chicken with these hot red-brown sauce, wow I could imagine how the spicy it was. That's true, even just spicy level 1 it's enough for the sweat started pouring down on our face, lol. The cheese has a slighltly sour taste. But in my opinion, the cheese sauce is more delicious eaten with frech fries than with the chicken. My advice for you, if you want still enjoy the chicken without disturbed by the spicy flavor, the cheese sauce can be your saver. Touch the chicken with so many cheese sauce. You can get the spicy and the favors.
Begitu melihat ayam goreng yang diselimuti saus merah kecokelatan ini, wow gue langsung bisa ngebayangin bagaimana pedasnya. Eh benar aja, meski hanya pedas level 1 ini udah cukup buat keringat bercucuran di wajah, LOL. Rasa kejunya cenderung asam sedikit asin. Tapi menurut gue, saus kejunya lebih terasa enak banget kalau dimakan dengan french fries bukan dengan ayamnya. Saran nih, kalau lo ingin tetap menikmati si ayam dengan sensasi pedas tanpa terganggu dengan rasa pedas itu, saus kejunya bisa jadi penyelamat. Colek potongan ayam kalian dengan saus keju banyak-banyak. Pedasnya dapet, nikmatnya juga dapet.
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Antrian saat Weekdays masih belum seberapa, hahaha |
If you don't plan to get out of home and no more time for waiting in line, you can order Richeese via Gojek Food application. It's simple, right ? :)
Kalau lo nggak ada rencana keluar rumah dan nggak punya banyak waktu untuk antri, lo bisa pesan Richeese via aplikasi Gojek Food loh ! Mudah kan :)
Richeese Factory Solo
- Location : Jalan Slamet Riyadi no 350 Solo
- Open : 10 am - 10 pm