Monday, May 25, 2015

Pisang Goreng Sambal Roa

It's lunch time, actually i'm not physically hungry but i feels that need to chew on something in my mouth, lolPisang goreng sambal roa, one of delicious snack from Manado, can be on-the-go snack that will keep me full.

It was amazing culinary experience with the fried banana is served with roa chilli sauce. I've never tried this chilli sauce before. From what I know, the cuisines from Eastern Indonesia mostly spicy food. They said this chilli sauce is made by Roa fish. Roa is a type of smoked fish from Manado North Sulawesi. I can't forget the crisp of banana and the savory and spicy taste of the roa chilli sauce.

Eat and Eat Food Market, ICBC Center

  • Location : Basuki Rahmat street, Kav. 16-18, Surabaya, East Java
  • Open Hour : 10 am - 10 pm

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mie Aceh Pasar Peunayeung

Mie Aceh kini telah 'terdaftar' sebagai salah satu makanan yang cukup populer di Indonesia. Kalo teman-teman ingin mencoba Mie Aceh yang enak ini, coba kunjungi 'Eat and Eat' food market Surabaya. Restauran yang menyajikan berbagai pilihan menu makanan enak serta lokasi bernuansa pecinan kuno yang menjadi daya tarik utama pengunjung.

Mereka menawarkan beberapa macam Mie AcehMie Aceh Goreng with US Beef, Mie Aceh Goreng with Prawn, Mie Aceh Goreng Basah, dan Mie Goreng Vegetarian. Gue memilih Mie Aceh Goreng Basah Prawn dan Mie Aceh Goreng Basah Vegetarian untuk teman gue.

Rasanya cukup gurih, pedas, dengan tekstur mie yang kenyal. Potong udang rebus yang sempurna sebagai topping-nya, taburan bawang, krupuk emping, dan jeruk nipis makin menambah selera. Yummy ~

Eat and Eat Food Market, ICBC Center

  • Lokasi : Jalan Basuki Rahmat, Kav. 16-18, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Buka : 10 AM - 10 PM